We will be closed January 2nd for New Years


Playground Material


Marks Lumber Landscape Products playground material, officially called Engineered Wood Fiber (EWF) is an IPEMA certified playground surface safety product. Made from 100% virgin material, use of EWF can reduce fall related injury in a play area when installed per instructions. Marks Lumber Premium Landscape Products EWF is certified annually to meet the ASTM standard 2075 for size standards, hazardous metal and tramp metal tests. Our EWF also meets ASTM Standard 1292 for impact attenuation. We have sold our material in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Utah, and North and South Dakota.


Logs to make this product are harvested from forests managed in such a way as to maximize the sustainability of the timber which creates healthy, vibrant and diverse forests.

Some Engineered Wood Fiber is manufactured from trees that would have been thrown in slash piles in the past. Now instead of burning, this traditionally low-quality wood-fiber is keeping children safer on playgrounds all over the in-land west.





Proper installation is critical to the performance of the engineered wood fiber. If you have questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

2020 ASTM — F2075 AND F1292 TESTS

Elkhorn Landscape Products are tested annually to ensure that our products provide the highest level of quality and safety possible. Engineered wood fiber is visually inspected at the manufacturing site, and then it is subjected to the following four tests. Copies of our 2020 test results are provided.

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