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Wood Products: The Healthy Choice

Mar 02, 2022

a large home with timber frame construction

Human health and well-being have been hot topics for decades now. Exercise, sleep habits, food choices, hydration, and self-care are things that many of us think about daily. But did you know that your everyday environment can also significantly impact your health? The products and materials you surround yourself with can affect air quality, humidity levels, and even stress levels. Wood products are an innovative solution to improving the health of our surrounding environment, making them the superior choice for those looking for a beautiful, sustainable, and healthy solution.

foresters looking at trees in a forest

Wood Products and VOCs

VOCs, or Volatile Organic Compounds, refer to the gases emitted from household products and building materials. VOCs can become highly concentrated indoors and can be harmful to our health. Effects can vary and are dependent on the person and level of toxicity. Some of the immediate symptoms include headaches, dizziness, and eye irritation. 

Man-made materials such as concrete, vinyl, and laminate products tend to have more VOCs than natural alternatives. Wood, for example, is a naturally versatile material that can help improve indoor air quality. In contrast to the VOCs found in man-made materials, the VOCs found in wood products have been found to positively affect our nervous system, stress, and breathing. 

wood paneling in a timber frame home

Biophilic Design 

Wood products are also becoming increasingly popular in the world of biophilic design. Biophilic design focuses on biophilia, a Greek word meaning the innate human desire to connect with nature. Wood, light, rock, and greenery are all significant components of biophilic design. 

Biophilic designs are sought after in homes, office spaces, and educational settings as they are known to reduce stress levels, lower heart rates, and increase concentration levels. Additionally, wood products are known to moderate humidity levels indoors. Accordingly to reThink Wood, “Wood absorbs or releases moisture in order to maintain equilibrium with the adjacent air. This has the effect of raising humidity when the air is dry, and lowering it when the air is moist.” 

wooden bar inside a house

Reduced Carbon Levels

In addition to the benefits to indoor air quality, using wood products over steel or concrete alternatives can positively affect the carbon levels in our atmosphere. Trees act as carbon sinks, capturing and storing carbon until left to burn or rot. Wood products also continue to store carbon throughout their entire product lifecycle. By using wood products, we can help offset carbon emissions, reduce air pollution, and create better overall air quality. 

forest in montana

Improved Air Quality 

Similarly, harvesting trees in a responsible and sustainable fashion can help prevent catastrophic wildfires and the smoke and carbon emissions that accompany them. The forest products industry provides the necessary infrastructure and economic support to manage our forests responsibly. Therefore, the demand for wood products allows us to be active in forest management, reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire and the poor air quality that follows. 

There are a lot of factors that can affect our overall health and wellness. A simple way to ensure your surrounding environment is healthy, comfortable, and sustainable is by using wood products throughout your home. Whether you are looking for wood flooring, paneling, timbers, or siding, Marks Lumber is here to help guide you in the best product for you. Contact us today for more information on how you can use our beautiful circle-sawn wood products to create the healthy home of your dreams.    

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